Potty Training Puppies}

Potty Training Puppies


Julia MoraisA newcomer in your home

Bought yourself a brand new puppy? One of the most critical training a puppy would need is potty training. Since each individual puppy has a different learning curve, try not to compare one puppy to another when it comes to house training, as different breeds learn at different speed. You would need to have a lot of patience when training a puppy to ‘go’ wherever you want them to ‘go’.


Getting your expectations right

First of all, you need to bear in mind that a puppy is an infant, and would take time to master a new behavior, for instance, potty behavior. When they are young, they do not have control of their bladders and usually once they’ve realized that they have to go, they will not be able to hold it any longer.So, before a puppy is properly trained, it is your responsibility to keep them off the carpets to prevent accidents from occuring there.

Here are a few guidelines you could follow

There are some basic rules you could use to potty train puppies and these rules would work whether you’re teaching them to go outdoors or even indoors in the bathroom or a litter box, of course.

1. Monitor your puppy at all times. If you can’t do that, crate or confine him. 2. If you’re confining your pet, do it where the flooring is washable. You wouldn’t want your carpets or mats ruined. 3. Begin toilet training as soon as you get your puppy. Follow a schedule for your puppy. When feeding or training him, do it at the same time every day. 4. Your puppy would need to potty after each meal, last thing at night and the first thing when the sun rises. You will also need to bring him after his naps and play sessions. You may use a leash to take him to the spot you’d want him to eliminate as this will help him get used to going to the same spot each time. 5. Puppies tend to drink lots of water, more so when they consume dry food. However, while your puppy is being potty trained, let your puppy have his dinner at least 4 hours prior to bedtime and take away his water 2 hours before bedtime. Have a routine and stick with it, though it means getting up early, yes, even during the weekends. 6. Don’t play with your puppy when you take him out to potty until he has eliminated. And if your puppy doesn’t go in around 10 minutes, put him back into his crate for about 10 to 15 minutes, after which try again. After he has done it, give him a treat, and praise him. Also, don’t take him in immediately or you might find out that occasionally, puppies do not finish eliminating at the first go. 7. When your puppy has eliminated, acknowledge by praising him or reward him by playing with him for awhile. This will establish an understanding of his acceptable potty spot. 8. If your puppy had started to pee before you can get him to where he’s supposed to be, pick him up and bring him to the paper or acceptable place anyway. Then reward him for being there. Do not display anger or use aggression as this will frighten him and you might end up giving him the wrong message. 9. Your puppy’s potty spot must be kept clean. Remove all traces of poop, for neither you nor your puppy would like to step on it. 10. Remember that your puppy will have lots of accidents before he finally comprehends what you expect him to do. Don’t have unrealistic expectations of him. Praise him, not punish him.How your behaviour can help

Keeping to these basic rules will help the process of potty training puppies. Remember to always have patience and tolerance. Never hit or yell at your puppy. If you find an accident in your house, just scold yourself for being careless and letting it happen and clean the mess up. Puppies don’t understand why you’re angry, and they don’t eliminate indoors to get at you. They will never know how upset you get when they pee on your imported carpet. Be consistent and diligent when potty training your puppy and in two to three weeks, you could have a fully potty trained puppy, one that you would be very proud of.

If you want to know more about puppy training, visit my website at http://www.squidoo.com/potty-training-puppies-guide.

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